
Managing the Events Calendar


  1. We use a premium version of the Modern Events Calendar plugin. Events that you add there in the Admin will appear automatically on the front end.
  2. If your website uses The Events Calendar plugin, please refer to this page.

Accessing your Events Calendar

If our website uses and events calendar, it will already have been set up for you. To access it, click on M.E. Calendar on the left:

Modern Events Calendar

Click All Events and you’ll see a list of all events:

Modern Events Calendar

Adding a New Event

To add a new event, click the Add Event button on the top left. Enter the event title and a short description…

Modern Events Calendar

From the bottom right, add a Featured Image for the event:

Modern Events Calendar

Specify the Date and Time as needed:

Modern Events Calendar

If it’s a recurring event, enter the appropriate choices in the Event Repeating tab:

Modern Events Calendar

When you’re done, click Publish at the top right.

Modern Events Calendar